I used to be an advocate of nuke energy. Then Pilgrim Nuclear power plant closed after producing E for over 30 years on the ISO New England grid. When it closed the company handed off the plant and on-site waste to another company to deal with. This company wanted to start " the clean up" operation by dumping the thousands of gallons of …
I used to be an advocate of nuke energy. Then Pilgrim Nuclear power plant closed after producing E for over 30 years on the ISO New England grid. When it closed the company handed off the plant and on-site waste to another company to deal with. This company wanted to start " the clean up" operation by dumping the thousands of gallons of low grade nuclear coolant waste water into Buzzard Bay on Cape Cod. The experts say slowly diluting this nuke waste into the bay is not a problem but as you can imagine local residence that took full advantage of 30 years of this low CO2 producing E are -NIMBYers-.
Currently some energy producing companies bought rights to build out off shore wingd E off the coast line of Southern NE. They would like the cables to landfall here on cape cod. This green E will supply millions of homes/ businesses with E for decades but: yup, lots of NIMBYers are fighting this with passion. We use it. We need it. But we don't want to pay for it or put it thru our back yards. - - the NIMBYes-
Many folks IMHO don't think things through. And don't want to be disturbed or make minor sacrifices. No sense of social responsibility. It's disheartening.
I used to be an advocate of nuke energy. Then Pilgrim Nuclear power plant closed after producing E for over 30 years on the ISO New England grid. When it closed the company handed off the plant and on-site waste to another company to deal with. This company wanted to start " the clean up" operation by dumping the thousands of gallons of low grade nuclear coolant waste water into Buzzard Bay on Cape Cod. The experts say slowly diluting this nuke waste into the bay is not a problem but as you can imagine local residence that took full advantage of 30 years of this low CO2 producing E are -NIMBYers-.
Currently some energy producing companies bought rights to build out off shore wingd E off the coast line of Southern NE. They would like the cables to landfall here on cape cod. This green E will supply millions of homes/ businesses with E for decades but: yup, lots of NIMBYers are fighting this with passion. We use it. We need it. But we don't want to pay for it or put it thru our back yards. - - the NIMBYes-
Many folks IMHO don't think things through. And don't want to be disturbed or make minor sacrifices. No sense of social responsibility. It's disheartening.