I suppose that one could say that the Soviet Politburo also had a similar diversity of views.

Some Politburo members were octagenarians, while others were nonagenarians. Some Politburo members came from Leningrad, others came from Minsk.

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Old joke about the Model T: "You can have it in any color you want, as long as it's black."

The Blob accepts all points of view, as long as they're acceptable in a Northern Virginia country club.

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American exceptionalism, across the board, lives by never having to say you’re sorry.

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I have just one problem with this piece. Daniel says: "By all rights, all of the prominent Iraq war boosters should have retired in disgrace and never been heard from again."

I'd say instead: "By all rights, all of the prominent Iraq war boosters should have been tried and convicted of war crimes and sent to prison for life."

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The Havana Syndrome nonsense is perfect demonstration of this in action. Everyone outside of the blob knows that the whole thing is a sham, but the Blob cannot accept, intellectually or emotionally, that their superiors in the security forces are wrong. Anyone willing to say that The Emperor has no clothes has long ago been expelled.

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