Trump agrees with whatever the last fool who talked to him said, until some other fool says something else, which Trump then agrees with, ad infinitum.

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Daniel this is much appreciated. As a skeptic/dissenter on current US policy in both Ukraine and Gaza, I am struggling about getting behind the Democratic ticket. Your posts have shown me that the alternative is worse, not better. thanks for that.

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I refuse to vote for genocide, whether nominally headed by Team R or by Team D.

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Mr Risk, if you've been reading all of Larison's recent posts I have difficulty understanding how you've concluded that the Republicans are a worse alternative (if that's what you mean). I'm with Feral Finster on this: both so-called "major parties" are horrible, especially on Gaza and the West Bank. The only difference is how things are sugar coated.

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The Finster endorses this post.

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No struggle here:




Vote Green

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"If it were anyone other than Trump taking these positions, his own supporters would be denouncing him as a neocon."

To be fair, from what I can tell, Trump supporters do not support Trump because of any intellectual consistency on their part, much less any perceived intellectual consistency on his part. Trump says something, his followers cheer. Then Trump says something entirely inconsistent with what he just said, and his followers continue to cheer like nothing happened.

They support Trump because they like him, or because they see him as a monkey wrench in an unjust system.

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Thank you Mr. Larison for writing one of the best succinct analysis of Trump's views and past actions regarding wars and exposing him as a poseur par excellence.

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The is no difference between Dem and Republican foreign policies except, theoretically, on the margins (so far, Dems have not threatened to invade Mexico but there's still time). Both Dem and Republican administrations appoint diehard neocons to run their foreign policy, and neither side has demonstrated any interest in revisiting, let alone dialing down, the U.S. project of global domination despite the disastrous outcomes of the last 4 decades of U.S. shooting wars, proxy wars, dirty wars, economic wars, color revolutions, coups, and assassinations. Every administration makes things worse so the only question is how much worse. Since 9/11, the U.S. has been on a murderous, global rampage which will continue unabated until we are stopped by forces our leadership class cannot control. And we will be probably be ruined in the process.

The irrefutable fact is that both Dems and Republicans are providing unhinged, obscene, and grossly illegal support to an apartheid Israeli state to wage its mass extermination campaign against a defenseless civilian Palestinian population in territories that Israel illegally occupies. Neither Harris nor Trump will change this.

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