I ? whether their will be a Ukraine if this proxy war continues. Won't be many males between the age of 16 and 60. Won't be much infrastructure. A nation torn to threads by hollow NATO promises and Neanderthal leaders. Eastern Ukraine, if not adsorbed by Russia, may retain a semblance of Ukrainian state. Eastern Ukraine maybe absorbed by Poland. That's my take.

Negotiate peace now Eastern Ukraine or by this winter: poof you be gone.

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It has been obvious from the outset that Ukraine is a patsy, the poor dumb scrote thst was told that if they committed a few crimes, maybe they'd get to join the gang.

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The Vilnius summit should have made it easy for Ukraine. If it wants the war to stop it has to take the initiative and surrender. NATO will never surrender, since they are not a party to the conflict, nor will Russia, for whom Ukraine in NATO is an existential threat. That leaves Ukraine. The sooner the better. The intimidated opposition inside Ukraine needs to come forward to save the country. A new government needs to tell all foreign advisors and mercenaries, as well as collaborators, to leave or be arrested. Next, declare itself neutral and call a cease-fire on terms acceptable to Russia. Then rebuild the country with help from BRICS, annexed areas can be left for later negotiation. This is the solution that Vilnius made clear.

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