The idea that the War on Iraq was forced on Poor Widdle Dubya is particularly risible, as if circumstances made his administration lie about WMDs.

And Obama was elected in large part to end the stupid wars. He not only failed to end any of them, he gave us three more middle eastern wars

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I lived in Texas many years, and while I was not an Ann Richards fan, I thought as governor she wasn't bad, and so on her re-election effort, I voted for her over Dubya. She didn't seem to make any real effort to win, and it was after the election that I deduced to my satisfaction why. She had the nice loophole in Texas election law that allowed her to keep any funds in her campaign chest after her last election. She retired with a few million just from that.

Unimpressed with Bush, I did vote for him in his first presidential election. After the party wars with Clinton, I took to the bank some hope for better bipartisan cooperation based on the late Democratic Lt. Gov for both Richards and Bush--Bob Bullock. Bullock, well respected in Texas, said of Bush he'd never worked with anyone more willing to cross the aisle in cooperation. Of course, his election came with Chaney, and the rest is history, as they say.

Then after reading all Obama's "position papers" I held my nose and voted for "hope and change." Of course, there wasn't one promise in that bundle of papers that he fulfilled. Neither man ever got a second vote from me.

I always felt like part of Dubya's adventure into Iraq was to cover the sins of the father as (for any willing to see) the quick "win" and "precise" hits we watched during the first Gulf war were a useful distraction for MSM to ignore the devastation our bombs brought to sanitation and other critical infrastructure that along with Bush I/Clinton sanctions lead to the devastating deaths of so may children. Dead children scoffed at by Albright and too many others as "worth it." At least truthful history as documented the reality of these war mongers, but out national lust for killing endures.

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Its getting to the point where one of these forever wars is gonna lead us very close if not into a nuclear confrontation of some sort. But the war machine seems cool with that inevitability. Its just a ? of when as US behavior is to addicted to stop. To addicted to think rationally. And we deserve it.

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