"The Israeli government has correctly assumed that there was nothing that it could do to the Palestinians that would cause Washington to reduce or condition its support in any way, and that has given their government free rein to move towards outright annexation of occupied territory."

Worse, the Israelis can rest assured that the United States will strongarm its various lackeys, satraps, puppets and vassals into supporting Israeli terror and occupation.

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Where are the peace makers?🌿

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Maloney, Haley--I thought Hillary assured the world it was men who want war--especially Putin, of course. They are doing a pretty good imitation of warmongers. I remain astounded by how many salivate at the very prospect of another war we can jump in to take over.

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Ukraine and Israel have something in common: they are both on the verge of being disappointed by the inability of their strongest supporter to follow through with the promises they made. In Israel, the society is split between the traditional European descendants of the founders, and the new power center, consisting of Settlor Religious Zionists, who advocate the reconstruction of the Jewish Temple. In Ukraine the society is split between those who consider Russians to be, at best, Asian mongrels and those who have no issue with their Russian culture and history. Do the EU and US leaders really expect their citizens to step into either of these disputes?

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