Cat, please. Biden could end the invasion of Rafah with a single phone call. In fact, he arguably the only person who can do so.

He does nothing.

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IMHO Isreal will not be dissuaded if Biden drops the funding. Their current projectory is pretty locked in. Its Jew vs Ali. May the higher god win. But please America don't pick a side....this is not our battle.

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Israeli generals have said thst Israel cannot wage war for more than a week or two without American support.

Then there's American financial and diplomatic support. Not to mention the American fleet parked off the coast of Yemen, lest Hezbollah start to get ideas.

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It's long past time to face up to the fact that the Democratic Party leadership fully supports Israel's mass murder campaign in Gaza and the vicious ethnic cleansing campaign in the West Bank. So does the West in general although that appears to be changing.

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"Biden is incorrigible"

You're to kind. Biden is a racist killing folks of color around the world. Biden is a sexist. He had never been a champion of woman rights in action only in words. Biden is an elitist. He may talk about helping the lower income folks but has he raised the minimum wage? has he helped working families get support on child care?, health care?, higher education at university or trade school?, rent control? wages?

What he has gone is keep the war machine well oiled.

Even genocide of Palesinians can't pursuade him to agree with the ICC in stopping what the facist, racist, zionist, aparthied state of Isreal is doing to the people of Palestine. He's a sociopath. He should be behind bars.

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