Thanks, Daniel, for keeping this issue alive. The MSM has largely ignored how closely Biden has followed Trump’s inhumane sanctions policies on Venezuela, Syria, Iran, Cuba, Yemen, and now even Afghanistan. Nothing much has changed. Same goes for his immigration policies. Same goes for his continuing the Trump/Pompeo persecution of Julian Assange. Same goes for his increased military spending. Biden seems to have ‘locked-in syndrome’ when it comes to Trump’s foreign policies.

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"This was a Trump-era policy that he inherited, so it would not have been that difficult for him to repudiate Trump’s policy at the beginning of his term. Whether because of inertia, political timidity, lack of imagination, or some combination of all three, Biden chose to keep the policy essentially unchanged."

Like Trump, Biden is a servant of Empire.

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We can pick out many instances over the last 100+ years. American foreign policy has never been grounded in reality, but fed by deliberate ignorance and intolerance of other countries and cultures. And we wonder why others don’t like us.

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As far as I'm concerned, this proves just how brain dead this administration is. Deplorables abound.

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