The current bloodcurdling bloodlust directed at Russia, China, Iran, and now Palestinian civilians as a proxy for Hamas is, in my opinion, shocking. One of the more enlightened Democrats (former Senator Al Franken who no longer has a dog in this fight due to his "me, too" defenestration by opportunistic political hack Kirsten Gillibrand), sent me a form email regarding the recent Hamas attack. Franken commented:

"What lies ahead undoubtably will be further carnage and unbearable grief for innocents. . . .

The only thing bringing me a modicum of solace is that Joe Biden is leading our country at this time and not Donald Trump. Biden’s decades of foreign policy experience, his knowledge of the world and region, and his steady leadership in the war in Ukraine contrast to Trump’s fondness for dictators."

What lunacy is this? If Joe Biden is the only remaining bulwark against Armageddon, it's time to get your affairs in order and kiss your a** goodbye.

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To simply call for deescalation and be labeled repugnant ... what times we live in. I just watched this moving piece by Aaron Mate's father. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N6_GDDa4bmI

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This is not short-sightenedness on the part of US politicians or an excess of deference to one side's arguments.

This is entirely intentional.

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I called Netanyahu and Isreal a menace, the US response lacking diplomatic foresight and then had to delete the whole post because I was "too emotional"

Well, he's (Netanyahu) a menace. Israel and US "blank check" mentality towards retaliation is FOOLISH (with a capital F reserved for FOUR LETTER WORDS) and some of the language regarding US support of Isreal's actions that have come out of officials mouths is baffling at the very least.

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Joe Biden needs to realize that writing blank checks is always a bad policy. All support of the US to all foreign countries in all instances should be conditional. We also need to stop referring to foreign states as “friends” and worse yet “allies” when we have no treaty agreements with them.

We don’t have friends. We have interests. And we have no interests at stake in supporting an Israeli revenge raid into Gaza.

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Isreal like Russia is poised with nucear armaments if its existance is threatened. Iran is poised with enough missles to bomb Isreal into the stone age if its existance is threatened. And we here in the states: been there done that and poised to do it again just about anywhere.


Happy Helloween

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