I do not understand how any American with an I.Q. greater than a dead flashlight battery could possibly believe that the U.S. is a beneficent actor in world affairs after the double debacles of the Iraq War and Afghanistan which are widely recognized as ugly and murderous U.S. disasters. The successful U.S. propaganda campaign to sell the Ukraine War as an exercise in freedom and democracy has proved, once again, that we are as dumb as doorknobs. The destruction of Gaza is proving more difficult to sell because Israeli violence against a civilian population has been wanton, Israeli leadership has been far too candid in public, and photos of the carnage are swirling in cyberspace even as a joint state/media/academia campaign attempts to redefine anti-semitism as any opposition to an apartheid Jewish state and its ethnic cleansing/genocide in territories it illegally occupies and seeks to annex.

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History will have to record that the greatest tragedy of this period of social transition was not the strident clamor of the bad people, but the appalling silence of the good people.

Martin Luther King, Jr.

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Perry Bacon needs to catch the [EXPLETIVE DELETED] up.

The United States has been The Evil Empire for a long time now. It didn't start with Gaza.

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Indeed--Bacon and most Americans and Europeans certainly are naive about our good intentions abroad (of which we seem to have zero). I don't know how after the debacle in Ukraine, they can still even ponder Biden and team AND congress as anything but hideous.

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