Mead has lost his mind and so has the Wall Street Journal for publishing his mad ravings. It is nothing short of astonishing that U.S. provocations and warmongering don't merit so much as a mention in Mead's mind even as he pushes the U.S. to up its killing spree.

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Unless and until those like Mead start to face very real and very personal consequences, they will only continue raving.

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Countries will respond to higher military spending with more of their own? In the case of NATO, the opposite happened. The more the US bloated its military, the less inclined were the Europeans to spending more. What for, they would ask. NATO spends more than the next ten countries, which include Russia and China. One percent more will hardly make a dent. As it turns out, no one knows where the US spent its hundreds of billions since the Pentagon has never been successfully audited. It could be the money went to finance the Mc Masions in Fairfax County. Based on the results in Ukraine, it seems this is a very likely explanation of what is happening.

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I agree

Peace people planet

Consider voting Green folks.

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