So the Russian government is moving troops to the Ukrainian border just to divert President Biden's attention from Asia? And Mr. Mead is supposed to be an expert on foreign policy?

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If there is a conspiracy involving US foreign policy, it is the conspiracy of the “blob” to continually intervene in every corner of the world in a vain attempt to retain global hegemony for the US. Biden, or whoever is really in charge, needs to jettison the doctrine of American exceptionalism and pivot our resources to combatting climate change and improving the lives of the American people. That is the only route to real security in the 21st century.

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This may be a first, but I have to disagree with one thing you said, blaming Truman for the "debacle" in Korea. I don't think many current day South Koreans would agree with you. It's true that allowing MacArthur to invade North Korea was a great error, particularly since the Truman administration had been warned that China would enter the war an invasion took place, but there were unfortunately very real limits to Truman's ability to control MacArthur. I think the initial resistance was entirely appropriate, but the Truman administration showed repeated poor judgment, first in Acheson's "unfortunate" remark, which he claimed had been cleared by the Joint Chiefs, that South Korea was outside the U.S. "defensive perimeter" and then once the decision was made to protect South Korea, not putting a limit on that decision to restoring the status quo.

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Mead's analysis, if one may dignify it by that term, is that of an amateur chess player who makes his moves without reference to what the other player's countermoves are, much less his long-term strategy.

And then he gets butthurt when things don't go his way.

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