Harris is not incompetent at all. Harris is simply The Will To Power personified. Whatever people of influence and authority want from her, that is what she will do, if that is the price of power. Her foreign policy reflects precisely this.

As a sociopath, The Will To Power is in fact all that Harris is. Pull back the mask on Harris and you will stare into the abyss, as there literally is nothing else there.

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With respect, I think you're confusing her willingness to do anything with competence. Otherwise, I think you and Anne Mendoza are both right.

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Ever since Robby Mook was not defenestrated for blowing Hillary's 2016 campaign, the Dems have raised incompetence to an art form. So it's not at all surprising that the same out-of-touch ignoramuses who ran Biden's failed campaign are running Harris's failing campaign. And Harris doesn't have the wit, wisdom or will to change any of it which is not at all surprising. After all, she left a mess in the SF DA's office and a mess in the Calif AG's office. She ran an embarrassingly bad 2020 campaign. She has never shown any interest in governing. She has negative management skills and W's lack of curiosity. Until she was sworn in as V.P., Harris had never left the country. The only reason she has risen this high is due to her appearance because the Dem party has gone all in for identity politics to distract us from their rotten policies. Harris has no opinions. She is not clever. And she will probably lose to a dangerous idiot.

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You do well to point out Harris' actual record of accomplishment, a record that must be expressed in negative terms. How anyone can take her seriously is beyond me, hence the emphasis on the "Politics of Joy". As Feral Finster puts it, pull the mask off and one sees that there is nothing there.

"Kamala Harris" is a bar of soap being promoted on the basis of packaging, not on what's inside. She is the lipstick and the Democratic Machine is the pig.

Patrick Lawrence has a very good take on this on The Floutist and on CN: https://consortiumnews.com/2024/09/06/patrick-lawrence-vote-joy-a-delusion-of-nostalgia/

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Just because there’s nothing good doesn’t mean there isn’t a vision. In other words, while there’s nothing that would make Dick Cheney uncomfortable, there’s a lot to please him.

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She wouldn’t run the war machine, anymore than Trump would. It is a big wheel that doesn’t allow those who might make it squeak. All this political crap is just lipstick on a pig. Most citizens just want to realize their material desires and don’t care who suffers in order to get and keep them. The D’s pretend they care to make themselves feel better, but it’s a profound hoax.

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Sep 10·edited Sep 10

Archibald MacLeish could have been writing about the Democratic Party convention, or about American politics more generally (including the Republican Party), when he wrote "The End of the World":

Quite unexpectedly, as Vasserot

The armless ambidextrian was lighting

A match between his great and second toe,

And Ralph the lion was engaged in biting

The neck of Madame Sossman while the drum

Pointed, and Teeny was about to cough

In waltz-time swinging Jocko by the thumb—

Quite unexpectedly the top blew off:

And there, there overhead, there, there hung over

Those thousands of white faces, those dazed eyes,

There in the starless dark the poise, the hover,

There with vast wings across the cancelled skies,

There in the sudden blackness the black pall

Of nothing, nothing, nothing — nothing at all.

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