Harris has never had any interest in policy, and she is an incurious as W. Her entire political career has been based on a simple-minded and robotic tough-on-crime platform which required no thought at all. So don't expect her to care about or understand U.S. foreign policy, and don't expect her to change it. And whatever you do, don't expect her to speak intelligently on the matter or frankly any other matter of substance because she is a vacant moron who often appears to have a serious drinking or Xanax problem as she demonstrated yet again in her recent cringeworthy interview with Oprah.

I am completely confounded by Harris's massive ambition because it is devoid of substance. She has no interest in governing, yet she seeks to govern the planet. That such an empty vessel has risen so high is both a damning and profoundly embarrassing indictment of our political system.

I suspect that Harris is only interested in the prestige of high office which, incidentally, she has not received as VP. She actually complained to the West Wing that people do not automatically stand when she enters a room. Harris cared about that perceived slight enough to lodge a complaint which is more than she has done about Israel's mass murder campaign in Gaza.

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Wasn’t it… “I’m speaking now”?

— Not in my name, Kamala, not in my name!

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There were no votes for Mrs Harris outside the DNC machine. It likes war and predatory capitalism as much as the RNC. She is a willing player.

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the love fest with Zionism/Apartheid can be explanined very simply: $$$$$$$

that dear citizens is current Ameician politics: they be beholden to $$$$$

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I can pretty much guarantee you that Harris' take on the wars is calculated. She gains more than she loses, and principle never even enters her mind.

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It’s literally just Jewish money

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