Ignore Harris' touching rhetoric. Pay attention to what she does. In fact, the weepier and more emotionally charged she and her cultists get, the more certain it is that they are trying to pull a fast one on you.

"Our own laws dictate that the U.S. must halt weapons transfers to a government committing these crimes. The Biden administration has been breaking for the law for ten months."

Laws are irrelevant. The only thing that matters is power. To revive my preferred analogy, an armed robber already knows that "Thou Shalt Not Steal!" and he does not care. A blow over the head from a lead pipe will get his attention, however.

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Harris does not have any strong beliefs or principles. She is entirely mediocre. She has no political capital so even if Harris were so inclined, which she is not, she's not about to risk donor pushback by denouncing Israel's mass extermination campaign in Gaza and the West Bank. Harris can't even dredge up the small amount of courage it would take to endorse Lina Kahn's trust busting efforts in her public condemnations of corporate price gouging. Meanwhile, Dem leadership and their media affiliates are spending their time attempting to persuade us that Harris is more popular than she actually is. The Dems 2024 campaign is a complete farce.

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The Neo-cons have performed a marvelous trick of famously moving from being disaffected pro-war, Vietnam-dead-ender Democrats in the late-60’s/1970’s to being full-throated Republicans by 2003. And now, 20 years later, they’ve moved back to infecting the entire Democratic Party foreign policy establishment who advise on party platforms and posturing.

There’s the additional feat of having flipped the moral cultural narrative from the reflexive popular anti-war sensibility that lasted 20 years from 1968 to the early 90’s to the current pro-war / anti-terrorism one, where advocating cease-fires and cessation of the mass murder of children is somehow controversial, politically damaging, and monstrous.

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