Not bizarre at all. There are no consequences for hawkishness, only for restraint.

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The “sub human animals” are not Palestinian, they are the politicians, and both “sides” of the USA coin.

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I wonder what she'd say if she were asked about the JCPOA that was a product of the Obama administration. Trump essentially tore it up. Would Harris attack Trump for abandoning it or Obama for making it happen?

Well, I guess one cannot expect the level of political discourse in the U.S. to be any better or more rational than it is when the system vomits up such "major party" candidates.

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can't wait til this is over than: the real cosequences of post election occur. what do you doomist think is gonna happen? a civil war. a nuclear war. deportations of non whites. assinations. war with china. war with Iran. war with Russia. war war war everywhere anywhere. Stock market crash. stock market sets new highs.

what will be will we que sera sera my dear zombified Americans. Just stay a non thinking zombie and all will be well. zombies don't care...they are already dead. People Planet Peace

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Harris is running an incoherent campaign so it's not surprising that she's going off the rails.

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