I have no doubt that there will be sufficient propaganda campaign and a false flag event to rally Americans behind a war against the PRC over Taiwan. This jingoism will escalate as the PLA strike some U.S. bases, ships, and planes. The challenge of course is that no matter the fervor, we will never match the will of the PRC -- and its own Chinese citizens -- from a protracted, damaging war to reclaim Taiwan. As always, the end result of U.S. "white saviorism" will hurt/kill/destroy those who Americans pretend to want to save -- the people of Taiwan.

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OK -- but War industry is sooo profitable for all involved.

“The most powerful government in the world is run not by its elected officials but by a loose nationless alliance of plutocrats and government agency insiders who Americans never get to vote for. This has been obvious for a long time and gets more obvious by the day”.

Caitlin Aug 24 -- OMG Afghanistan Is Invading Afghanistan: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix - by Caitlin Johnstone - Caitlin’s Newsletter (substack.com)

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The objective of the advocates of "forever wars", it should be clear by now, is not to accommodate allies nor to defend democracy; the objective is to make money by selling armaments. The entire US economy is based on this. The US seeks out any and all opportunities to sell arms, while avoiding as much as possible, putting its own troops in "harm's way". The problem is that the world is on to this strategy and, more and more, countries avoid provocations, keep their cool, leaving the US arms industry in a fix, as the US deficits grow, homelessness spreads, second rate healthcare becomes the norm, crumbling infrastructure prevents safe travel, as all resources are devoted to feeding the giant military leech. All those articles appearing in The Atlantic or The New Yorker with high sounding titles about how we are losing our will to win, or how our allies are taking advantage of us, are nothing but a psy-ops on American tax payers, who are much more preoccupied with day to day injustice in their own country and completely clueless when their leaders go around the world trying to drum up antagonism against their new great adversary, China. The hope is that there will come a self reflection on the self harm created by leaders, who dutifully go around bad mouthing China, a country that is universally admired.

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