Trump is another American politician obsessed with being a tough guy. He just dials up several notches. What is with so many Americans and their fear of being thought of as sissies? Why do so many have so much to prove?

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Trump's overt narcissism, inability to learn, blindness to history, short attention span, incessant television watching, and unconcerning nature to the cause and effect of prior implemented policies prevent him from ever becoming a realist. Even if he had Tulsi Gabbard and Douglas Macgregor in his cabinet it would not make a difference. He's also ignorant to the use of power in the Executive Branch to stem the influence of the imperial Blob that would undermine him each step along the way, like it did during his first term.

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The only advantage of a president Trump is the possibility that Team D and the MSM would then suddenly rediscover human rights, not to mention the internal squabbling and chaos in the US potentially distracting us from more foreign adventures.

The only advantage of a president Biden is that he can end the stupid wars without Team D and the MSM howling "Putin puppet!".

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What are the odds for each of the two "advantages" you posit happening?

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Jul 1·edited Jul 1

No idea. I am just riffing, not making investment allocations or running a prediction market.

I should have added that Trump remains weak, stupid and easily manipulated.

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Jul 1·edited Jul 1

"I should have added that Trump remains weak, stupid and easily manipulated."

Yes, there's that, too.. Although it occurs to me that one could easily say the same thing about Biden.

We have so much to celebrate on the 4th of July.

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This applied to Biden even before he started sundowning. Biden was always a flunky. He owes his promotion from excellent bad senator entirely to Obama, who, I think, thought Biden gave him centrist cred. Then, Biden became Obama's last resort to stop Bernie. I'm sure Obama cringes at the thought of the results of his machinations.

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Yea, verily.

"If the rule you followed brought you to this, of what use was the rule?" Anton Chigurh.

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Apparently, Byers and Schweller are also not aware that Trump stationed U.S. troops in Taiwan which is not the action of someone determined to lessen the prospect of conflict between the U.S. and China. I've seen other attempts to portray Trump as a geopolitical realist. What gives?

After all, the guy bombed Syria, dropped a record number of bombs on Afghanistan, outdid Obama on drone strikes, assassinated Iran's top general, backed ginormous weapons sales to Saudi Arabia, tried to overthrow the government of Venezuela, armed Ukraine with offensive weapons, expanded NATO twice, imposed massive sanctions against Russia, boosted obscene U.S. defense budgets even more, recently threatened to invade Mexico, and pushed through a $61 billion war funding bill to keep the conflict going in Ukraine. Trump and his advisors are quite capable of starting WWIII. So is Biden whose foreign policy is a murderous, incoherent train wreck. On foreign policy, there's no daylight between them.

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Trump's Foreign Policy is simple: Whatever serves Trump's interests in the moment.

He sees the entire world as another set of real estate to develop, fail to sell, then declare bankruptcy and move on.

He trades what has no value to him, state secrets, Jamal Kashoggi's life (along with Russians who aided the USA), anything, to get the only thing that does matter to him, money and land.

His sole policy is himself.

Thinking otherwise is foolish.

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