I do want to tell you that you have provided great value for my subscription to your Substack, Dr. Larison.

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Plan B is to live with Iran as a nuclear-threshold state with no deal in place, not war. I hope Biden has the sense that he's being led into a trap by American and Israeli hardliners.

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I've been saying that this was Plan A since the TAC days.

It took the neocons some twelve years (1991-2003) to get their war on Iraq, but they got their wish.

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I have to ask the question "Cui bono?" If the US attacked Iran "... with the goal of weakening Iran or toppling its government", who would benefit from such an action? Certainly not the US. The only nation in the region whose government is so radicalized as to welcome such an outcome is Israel. That may be why the same "experts" who call for war on Iran are also strong defenders of the Israeli regime. I'm open to other explanations.

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What will make these idiots realize Iran is not pursuing nuclear weapons, until Israel's actions force them into it?

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I fear that with Biden's falling approval ratings and congressional Democrats heading for a 2022 midterm wipeout, an attack on Iran may be an appealing option. That said, I have no doubt such an action would trigger an all out Iranian retaliation that would easily double today's price of oil.

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