What on earth makes you think that Biden or any of the Team D or Team R leadership cares?

These are sociopaths that are leading us, or at least they display behavior indistinguishable from that of high-functioning (in the sense that they can more convincingly fake empathy) sociopaths.

Once you recognize this, everything becomes clear.

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Well, Biden reversed Trumps designation on the Houthis and made campaign promises to make SA a pariah. He didn’t have to do so and that indicates he my have cared at least a little.

But like all elected US officials, once in office they all seem to end up on their knees in front of the saudis. For the life of me I can’t figure out what sweet nothings are said to them in private.

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I suspect that Biden was looking for a stick to beat Trump with. Any stick would do, and it's not as if Biden objected to the genocide when he was VP.

For that matter, in 2016, Trump also campaigned on ending Saudi influence. We see where that ended up.

If either of them cared, they sure didn't care much.

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Can’t disagree. Maybe JCPOA v2 is going to happen after all and he’s trying to buy favor so the Gulf state-funded US think tanks and pundits don’t try to kill it. Kinda like Obama tried to buy off the Israelis with that $3.8B/yr pledge.

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I hope that you are correct but I doubt it

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I doubt that Democratic progressives have any influence on Biden and Blinken. They see no problem aligning the US with the most repressive regimes in the Middle East: Saudi Arabia, UAE, Israel, and Egypt. No problem with starving Afghanistan, no problem with crushing Syria’s economy and stealing its oil, no problem with keeping in place sanctions on Venezuela, or in maintaining Trump and Pompeo’s designation of Cuba as a state sponsor of terrorism, also, no problem in threatening to cut off Germany’s access to Russian energy. Sanctions and military threats are their only tools, so why will they suddenly develop a conscience over Yemen?

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The US goal is to keep the dollars flowing into the coffers of the US military contractors. This pumps up the American GDP, making America the "richest country in the world". There is no other explanation for the war in Yemen, other than this diabolical cycle. Or are we going to blame all the crimes on the Saudis and the UAE? That would be the same argument used by the gun lobby: its the criminals, not the guns, who kill people. How can the American political class accept its complicity in these crimes? Who in America allows this to happen?

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