I see no reason why a competition with China needs to be a military confrontation other than the Cold War mindset in Washington. If the US could step back and create a Western Belt and Road instead of exporting regime change, the world would be a much safer place. This article has an explanation for US belligerence. https://thesaker.is/why-russia-didnt-shoot-anything-down-yet/

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Yeah, I always scratch my head when the BRI is described as some sinister and nefarious plot. Invest heavily in the infrastructure of some African or South American nation, get favorable access to their markets and possible some real estate for a military base. No coercion or violation of sovereignty needed. China wants to project power so they go out looking for willing partners. Perhaps the US should try to do the same.

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If China were not in a position to rapidly overtake the United States economically, if Russia were not repeatedly outmaneuvering the United States, this silly summit would no longer be useful.

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“Competition” with China is simply code for the Cold War that is already well underway.

Yes, it will consume massive amounts of spending for the military, and yes, it will involve making enemies of any state that gets too friendly with China (or Russia), and yes, it will impinge on any attempt to repair our already broken “democracy,” and yes, it will prevent any realistic attempt to mitigate the coming climate catastrophe, and yes, it will accelerate our already rapid decline. In short, it is status quo for the US, as it checks all the boxes required by our ruling class. And it is nearly a mirror image of the late ‘80’s Soviet Union whose sclerotic leadership was unable to change course until far too late. Perestroika was their desperate attempt to revive a brain dead patient. I fear what our version of Perestroika will be.

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