The only thing that will happen is that the Saudis will raise the price they charge for formally selling out Palestine.

The deal will get done, cost to the United States be damned.

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The "Saudi-Israeli Deal" is just the latest misbegotten attempt by a US president to "bring peace to the Middle East." This, I think, is serious evidence of Biden's developing senility, though his "advisors" lack even that excuse.

American presidents almost always screw up when they try to "do something great". FDR was "lucky" in that he was presented with two gigantic crises--the Great Depression and World War II--and managed--at least in appearance--to solve both of them, although he did not solve the Depression--he only made it endurable--until the War solved it for him. He did "solve" World War II to a great extent, and if he had only given up his compulsion to "normalize" communism and the Soviet Union--believing that he could trust them--he would have done an even better job. Reagan, of course, "solved" inflation and effectively killed off the "dream" of socialism, which was refuting itself with its own incompetence, and was smart enough to hold Gorbachev's hand as the USSR collapsed, stunning his neocon followers, who never could have imagined that Ronnie would ever get in bed with a commie and end their reason for existence, the Cold War. Yes, Ronnie was "lucky" too--he was dealt a good hand and he played it well.

No one else has come close to these two winners, though both Clinton and Obama deserve a lot more credit for handling the economy, particularly because the Republicans did everything they could to wreck things, the infamous "Tea Party" nihilists even going so far as trying to destroy the credit of the United States in their hope of destroying Obama. But Clinton wrecked a great deal by insisting on his "right" to misbehave, and Obama stupidly continued the Bush administration's policy of "regime change", costing Hillary Clinton the presidency with the Libya disaster.

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"The USA burden"

What worries me much more so is the burden of USA policies on all citizens world wide as we saber rattle our way to nuclear Armageddon. Bye bye

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Excellent piece Daniel. I read that the US has green lit a Saudi plan to engage in uranium enrichment at a plant on Qatar’s border. I thought proliferation was supposed to be frowned on, or is that just in the Iranian case?

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