
Applause line!? It should have brought forth a loud chorus of, "Boo!" Great post, Daniel. I'd not heard this latest bloviation from our commander in chief. How pathetic!

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Of course, the US is behind the protests and is supporting them as much as it can.

Of course, the US is seeking regime change in Iran.

All Biden did was to blurt the quiet part out loud.

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We want a free Iran like we wanted a free Egypt or a free Iraq (Operation Iraqi Freedom!). Free, as in, free to keep US military bases or other resources there.

Now that Biden and the mainstream DemocratIic base has joined the chorus, I think it’s safe to assume open belligerency towards Iran has no political cost and. the JCPOA is done for good now.

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During the last election there was someone in the neighborhood who had a lawn sign on his front yard that read, "Any Functioning Adult for President in 2020." I guess his candidate, whoever it was, lost. (The same signs are being marketed for 2024; that is not a good sign [no pun intended].)

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Q. What's the difference between Biden's brain and a roulette wheel?

X. I give up. What is it?

A. The roulette wheel doesn't have its finger on the nuclear trigger.

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