So this is what it means when they said a Biden victory in 2020 would mean the adults would be back in the room and in charge.

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It just gets worse and worse.

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Why does this surprise you? Biden has said all along that this is who he is.

And forget the crocodile tears about civilian casualties. The United States helps Israel aim the bombs that kill the civilians.


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Houtis ISIS ISIL Sunni Shi'a Hezbolla Hamas PLO IDF Al Quaeda just to name a few militia forces in the news in this volatile Middle East arena. What a mess. Our forces in Syria, Iraq, Tukey, Jorden, Kuait, Bahrain, Qatar, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Oman oop we forgot to put forces in Lebanon sorry for neglecting you . Nato forces not to far away.

So I guess genocide, ecoside, capitalist Biden has plenty of confidence that we can kick ass to all those forces that don't see thing our impirial ways over there in the cradle of Abraham religions. Has there even been a war Biden and fellow neocons didn't want to engage in. So get ready folks to send your children to the Middle East arena to fight battles that the average American doesn't want, doesn't care about. NOT OUR BATTLES. The WOMD industry or more fitting the Capitalistic Military Industrial Industry if you will, will do well, our youth we send over their will not fair as well. Why are we their????

Peace is the answer. Let's send words of diplomacy not bombs of annihilation.

PS we just bombed Yemen.

Here we go.......again and again and again.

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As bad as it gets, or maybe worse. Sad to say.

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Remember when Trump "ordered" the troops out of Syria? Order ignored. The Pentagon with their Secretary MIA, should ignore this order for the sake of all that is just.

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