Jul 7, 2023·edited Jul 7, 2023

If ten thousand, a hundred thousand, a million Ukrainians were to die, the Biden Administration (not to mention the regime in Kiev) would consider it a good deal, as long as their deaths resulted in the suffering of at least one Russian person.

This is because Russia can do little or nothing, short of nuclear war, that will so much as inconvenience the decisionmakers in Washington. And the vultures in Kiev will simply bunk off to their villas in Italy and Miami. There is a reason so many Ukrainian oligarchs and politicians (Zelenskii included) were named in The Panama Papers and The Paradise Papers.

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You give them too much credit. As long as a million dead Ukrainians give them good propaganda, that's good enough for them.

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Good point. They will affect touching concern and even don Ukrainian flags, whilst pouring gasoline and other consumables on the proverbial fire.

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We're run by literal lying, thieving, murdering pirates. They do anything they can get away with. Anything.

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Count me in on option # 2: cease fire now.

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Every time Biden has an opportunity not to escalate the conflict, he elects to escalate by supplying weapons he once promised never to supply to Ukraine. Apparently, this is what qualifies as diplomacy in U.S. foreign policy circles. Biden has crossed so many of his self-imposed weapons redlines that I've lost track. What a disastrous mess. Biden also recently commented in public that "Assad must go," among other recent gaffes. One can't help but wonder what era he thinks he's living in. But one thing is clear. There is no plan.

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I had a conversation with an FP idealist friend of mine this morning. He claimed that the only reason Biden’s people decided to send these cluster bombs over there is that we don’t have any more of the standard kind (!), and the Ukrainians would be out of the relevant munitions within some short period of time if we didn’t send them something now. I don’t know if that’s true, but if it is, that should be a part of the discussion here I think. (If you’re against supporting Ukraine militarily at all, then I guess it doesn’t matter. Otherwise it does.)

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