As long as the U.S. supplies the Israeli government with the means to devastate what is left of Gaza, everything else that the president and administration officials say is irrelevant theater.
"Progressive" Senator Sanders states, "Only one candidate understands that we must address the threat of climate change; that women have a right to control their own bodies; and that our economy must work for working people and not just billionaires. That candidate is Joe Biden."
Nothing like ignoring the non-red/blue team candidates. And apparently we must think nothing of the environmental damage and human carnage Biden has wrought in his 3+ years in office.
By now, it is clear that our ruling class wants Gaza cleansed because (1) a greater Israel will ensure continued U.S. domination of the Middle East or so they think, (2) the merchants of death are making a killing by arming Israel, and 3) waterfront property is simply too good to be wasted on Palestinians. Everything else is commentary. Sanders is especially noxious because he only started to complain about the slaughter in Gaza when the Palestinian death count offended his personal accounting principles.
Domestically, as in domestic politics. Support for Israel in the Congress and among other public officials is motivated by carrots and sticks wielded by supporters of Israel.
I certainly agree that the Israel lobby has an extremely pernicious influence on U.S. foreign policy as advocated by Mersheimer. But I also agree with Chomsky that the lobby does not have the power to force a superpower to support vicious apartheid policies of periodic massacres of a civilian population, mass murder of children, forced starvation, total blockades, ethnic cleansing, and a live-streamed genocide. The U.S. is a ruthless hegemon that routinely incites and backs gross violations of International law through proxies to advance its geopolitical interests because this strategy provides plausible deniability and protects its image as an avatar of freedom and democracy. As a (Faustian) client state, Israel advances a key U.S. strategic interest to dominate the Middle East. All of the public handwringing by and embarrassing weakness of our political leadership in reaction to Israel's crimes is just theater in my view. The U.S. is determined to dominate the region come hell or high water and kill anyone who gets the way. An Israeli client state is vital to achieve and maintain that end.
"Progressive" Senator Sanders states, "Only one candidate understands that we must address the threat of climate change; that women have a right to control their own bodies; and that our economy must work for working people and not just billionaires. That candidate is Joe Biden."
Nothing like ignoring the non-red/blue team candidates. And apparently we must think nothing of the environmental damage and human carnage Biden has wrought in his 3+ years in office.
Sanders is a eununch.
A neutered eunuch, if such a thing is possible.
as with any other politician or garden-variety sociopath, ignore Biden's self-serving words and crocodile tears.
Pay attention only to what he does.
By now, it is clear that our ruling class wants Gaza cleansed because (1) a greater Israel will ensure continued U.S. domination of the Middle East or so they think, (2) the merchants of death are making a killing by arming Israel, and 3) waterfront property is simply too good to be wasted on Palestinians. Everything else is commentary. Sanders is especially noxious because he only started to complain about the slaughter in Gaza when the Palestinian death count offended his personal accounting principles.
(2) is correct and (3) may very well be correct also.
(1) is only the stated reason, the "explanation" that is offered to justify U.S. support for Israel. The real reason lies elsewhere.
Domestically, as in domestic politics. Support for Israel in the Congress and among other public officials is motivated by carrots and sticks wielded by supporters of Israel.
In other words, the Israel lobby.
I certainly agree that the Israel lobby has an extremely pernicious influence on U.S. foreign policy as advocated by Mersheimer. But I also agree with Chomsky that the lobby does not have the power to force a superpower to support vicious apartheid policies of periodic massacres of a civilian population, mass murder of children, forced starvation, total blockades, ethnic cleansing, and a live-streamed genocide. The U.S. is a ruthless hegemon that routinely incites and backs gross violations of International law through proxies to advance its geopolitical interests because this strategy provides plausible deniability and protects its image as an avatar of freedom and democracy. As a (Faustian) client state, Israel advances a key U.S. strategic interest to dominate the Middle East. All of the public handwringing by and embarrassing weakness of our political leadership in reaction to Israel's crimes is just theater in my view. The U.S. is determined to dominate the region come hell or high water and kill anyone who gets the way. An Israeli client state is vital to achieve and maintain that end.