How much longer can Biden and the supporters of this genocidal revenge campaign keep up the false pretense that it’s a war targeted at Hamas, and not a war of collective punishment against Gaza’s civilian population?
Blinken says his critics are blaming the wrong side. It was Hamas who started it! If the people of Gaza want the war to stop they have to turn on Hamas and peace would immediately follow. He cannot see that the people of Gaza will never do that for the simple reason that Hamas is their defense, their resistance against the oppressions imposed by seventy years of Israeli occupation. Blinken cannot accept that what is occurring is the raw truth about the Zionist project itself. Zionists just have to find another way of creating a Zionist state. Expecting populations to voluntarily displace without compensation is not going to work, unless extreme violence is brought to bear, which is what is happening now.
All this is entirely intentional, with the United States and its european buttbois as conscious and willing accomplices.
What do you propose to do about it?
Sociopaths are immune to moral arguments, just as quoting Bible verses to an armed robber is futile. Force is the language that they understand.
How much longer can Biden and the supporters of this genocidal revenge campaign keep up the false pretense that it’s a war targeted at Hamas, and not a war of collective punishment against Gaza’s civilian population?
Blinken says his critics are blaming the wrong side. It was Hamas who started it! If the people of Gaza want the war to stop they have to turn on Hamas and peace would immediately follow. He cannot see that the people of Gaza will never do that for the simple reason that Hamas is their defense, their resistance against the oppressions imposed by seventy years of Israeli occupation. Blinken cannot accept that what is occurring is the raw truth about the Zionist project itself. Zionists just have to find another way of creating a Zionist state. Expecting populations to voluntarily displace without compensation is not going to work, unless extreme violence is brought to bear, which is what is happening now.