"The treaty with the Saudis is simply bad for American interests."

Taking that as given, American interests have nothing to do with it. Biden needs some kind of foreign policy "win" and this is a bigger prize than bribing the other gulfie tyrants into accepting the "Abraham Accords".

"The good news is that the administration is overreaching and it is unlikely that this treaty will ever be ratified."

Don't kid yourself. Right now, they're just haggling over price.


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The idea that there could be a meaningful treaty between the Saudis and the Israelis is sort of comical to begin with.

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Its our youth that will die as our Congress persons prean in their spas.

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"[It] will be much harder for senators to justfy voting for a treaty that would commit the U.S. to send its soldiers to die for the Saudis."

I think Mr Larison has a much higher opinion of our senators than they deserve.

It may be that the geniuses who run the White House and the Department of State and who populate the halls of Congress will use the occasion of Netanyahu's speech to Congress to push for ratification, especially if the proposed treaty is viewed as much by Netanyahu as by the neocons as a step towards war with Iran.

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Perfect analysis, thank you!

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