It is abundantly obvious that Israel seeks to provoke a reaction from Hezbollah in order to run screaming to its American thug. If Israel does not get the reaction it seeks, then it simply behaves more outrageously.

It is also obvious that the United States and its various catamites are on board with this, even ad Hezbollah desperately tries to avoid war.

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Also, it will be funny to watch Harris cultists offer up excuse after excuse.

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Don't expect Harris to take a principled position on this or any other issue. She is a fantastic example of failing upward.

Harris never demonstrated any interest in governing or any leadership capacity as SF DA, California AG or U.S. Senator. Her one "bold" policy position - her co-sponsorship of Medicare for All - was pure, opportunistic political theater. Harris backed away the minute it became politically expedient to do so. Her own staff attorneys at the AG's office leaked a memo to the press after she failed to prosecute One West Bank for massive foreclosure fraud. And her serial refusals to comply with federal court orders to release inmates from California prisons due to unconstitutional prison conditions on the order of then Gov. Jerry Brown should have resulted in a state bar disciplinary action. Instead, her actions resulted in state prisoners fighting California wildfires for pennies paid in wages.

Harris has also demonstrated zero management skills as her gross mismanagement of a SF drug lab scandal exposed. The lab scandal resulted in the dismissal of hundreds of criminal cases and should have led to her state bar referral for unprofessional conduct. It is worth noting that Harris still has problems with very high staff turnover.

Harris's political career started with her very public affair with one of California's most powerful politicians (a much older, married Willie Brown who appointed her to paid state board sinecures and whose political machine backed her run for SF DA). She rose to power during the "tough on crime, 3 strikes and you're out" era which took no courage at all if one was careful to avoid white collar crime prosecutions and riling Catholic dioceses (in Harris's case the SF diocese) during the several waves of clerical sex abuse scandals.

Harris is more corporate than Biden which takes some doing. She has never challenged power or money, and she never will which is why she is the presumptive Dem nominee.

Harris is a hollow vessel. Count on her to shed crocodile tears for the Palestinians and to change nothing.

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Assassinating Hamas leaders makes a lot more sense than dropping bombs all over a densely populated Gaza.

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The assassination was designed to obstruct a cease fire which would have obstructed Israel's dropping of bombs on Gaza.

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