Most Americans Don't Want the U.S. to Send More Weapons Into the World
It may be that there is simply a growing distaste in the U.S. for providing weapons to other countries, especially when they are at war.
A new CBS/YouGov poll finds that most Americans don’t want the U.S. providing Israel with weapons and supplies in this war:
Mr. Biden's own party, the Democrats, are divided on whether the U.S. ought to send weapons and supplies to Israel, and Republicans show a slight majority in favor of that.
On the question of whether the U.S. should send weapons and supplies to Israel, 52% of all respondents say no. Even 43% of Republican respondents oppose sending Israel weapons and supplies in the current conflict. 53% of Democrats oppose doing this, as do 55% of independents. This is a striking result given the near-unanimous view in Washington that the U.S. should be rushing military aid to Israel. It is just one poll result, but it points to an important gap between what most Americans want and what our government is doing in this conflict.