Don't Listen to Warmongers on Iran
The military option that he endorses has never been a real solution to the nuclear issue. For reasons that should be obvious, an attack on Iran would practically guarantee that Iran races for a bomb.
Matt Kroenig trots out the same bankrupt arguments for military action against Iran’s nuclear program:
Indeed, now is an ideal opportunity to destroy Iran’s nuclear program. The country’s breakout time to a bomb is down to one to two weeks. There is no new nuclear deal in the cards. Hamas and Hezbollah are in no position to retaliate. And the Islamic Republic just asked for it. In fact, this may be the last best chance to keep Tehran from the bomb.
Kroenig has been making some version of this argument for at least twelve years. He always thinks it’s time to attack Iran, and he always dismisses the possibility of finding a diplomatic solution. He has been consistently wrong on one of the biggest foreign policy questions in the last two decades, and if Israel or the U.S. followed his advice it would be ruinous for U.S. interests and the nonproliferation regime. The military option that he endorses has never been a real solution to the nuclear issue. For reasons that should be obvious, an attack on Iran would practically guarantee that Iran races for a bomb.